Before you enter the hospital for most any type of procedure, you might want to check the list to see how the facility rates compared to others. To add an early disclaimer here, there are many fine hospitals in our region and throughout Indiana and Illinois. Yet, some of them might be questionable. Twice a...
Most people are celebrating that spring is upon us, despite some of the recent weather reports. And opening day for major league baseball will soon follow. It’s also a reminder to us that as you think about your children’s participation in any sport, you want to be sure that the equipment and the fields they...
Not long ago, WTHR (Channel 13) in Indianapolis reported something that might surprise or even shock you. In a workplace accident, even if your employer puts you in danger, you cannot sue your employer for workplace injuries or even death. The report put a spotlight on the case of a maintenance worker at the Marion...
Several times each month, we at Theodoros & Rooth like to inform you in this space about items in the news that might affect you and the welfare of your family. It’s one way we feel we can keep you more safe and secure as you go about your daily lives. We will continue to...
Two more needless tragedies happened early on Super Bowl Sunday, including 26-year-old Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson. The other victim was 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe, of Avon, Indiana. Police say they were killed when a suspected drunk driver struck them as they stood outside their car along Interstate 70 on Indianapolis’ west side. It is believed...
Gregory Smith, 32, was awarded a net $35 million, thought to be one of the largest verdicts for a personal injury claim in Indianapolis, as a result of a single-car accident. Yet, the accident has left Smith a quadriplegic. His parents are now his primary care-takers. Despite the size of the settlement, awarded in mid-December...
Most patients who undergo a surgical procedure feel anxious beforehand. No operation is ever guaranteed to be a complete success and there are always risks involved. Patients can check the records and reputation of their surgeon and the hospital, and really proactive patients have been known to write reminders, such as “This Leg Is Fine,”...
Construction work is frequently dangerous. Four out of every 100 construction workers sustained a non-fatal injury in 2011, causing the injured workers to miss a median 14 days of work. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports construction workers have the following lifetime risk of injury over a 45-year career (verbatim): Disabling injury — 75-percent Fatal injury —...