Deaths Caused by Drivers Running Red Lights at 10-Year High

Posted on Oct 2, 2019 by Conrad Saam

We’ve all been there. We approach an intersection, the light is green, we proceed with caution and then – all of a sudden – a car coming from the other way races through the red light. Hopefully, you avoided a crash by being observant or by plain luck. However, many aren’t so lucky and suffer serious injuries due to the negligence of the other driver.

If this has happened to you, the attorneys at Theodoros & Rooth would like to hear your story. Depending on the circumstances, there may be compensation available to you from the at-fault party.

Sadly, the number of people killed by drivers running red lights has hit a 10-year high, according to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. More than two people die every day because drivers ignore red lights, the study says.

In 2017, the latest figures available, 939 people were killed by vehicles blowing through red lights, according to a AAA study of government crash data. It’s the highest death toll since 2008 and 28% higher than in 2012.

“Drivers who decide to run a red light when they could have stopped safely are making a reckless choice that puts other road users in danger,” David Yang, executive director of AAA’s Foundation for Traffic Safety, stated in late August.

AAA isn’t sure why the numbers are on the rise or why they have increased at a far higher rate than overall U.S. roadway deaths. Since 2012 the overall number of highway fatalities rose 10%, far short of the 28% increase in red-light running deaths.

It could be simply that there are more people driving more miles. Distracted driving, such as texting and talking on a cell phone, could be other contributors.

Bottom line: In its analysis, AAA also found that 28% of crash deaths at intersections with signals happened because a driver ran a red light.

It also says drivers should prepare to stop as they are entering an intersection and tap their brakes while approaching a light to warn other drivers of a possible stop. AAA also recommends waiting a second after a light change to green before proceeding and checking to make sure crossing traffic has stopped.

The old adage applies here: Watch out for the other guy.

The mission of Theodoros & Rooth is to provide protection and justice to those who have been injured by a negligent party. If you have been injured in a car accident or hurt in a trucking accident and need help, call us today. There is never a charge for the initial consultation.

Drive safely.