Since most plastic surgery procedures are paid for out of pocket, many doctors have expanded their practices to include plastic surgery, despite not having specialized in the field. Sadly, this has lead to a rise in plastic surgery malpractice and surgeries going horribly awry. What is Plastic Surgery Malpractice? Plastic surgery malpractice can be defined...
Product Liability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives official approval to a pharmaceutical product based on convincing scientific evidence proving it has benefits. Drug marketing is also strictly regulated so companies do not make biased or misleading claims. Doctors may use a drug for off-label purposes (conditions for which the product is not approved by the...
There are more counterfeit medicines on the market today than you would ever imagine. This is already a serious global crime – and it’s growing dramatically. Shockingly, in cases that have been tried against these criminals, the penalties have amounted to a slap on the hand. According to an investigative report in the AARP Bulletin,...
Our veterans who have fought for our freedom around the world now apparently have another health challenge. It appears that “Combat Arms” earplugs manufactured and sold by Minnesota-based 3-M under a government contract have been alleged to be defective. According to the Military Times, “Hundreds of veterans are filing lawsuits claiming the earplugs didn’t maintain...
A common cooking spray that you may have in your kitchen right now could be dangerous. An Indianapolis man, who is also a medical student, is one of six people suing Conagra, the company that manufactures PAM and other canned cooking sprays, after being severely burned and injured when a can of the cooking spray...
You’ve heard about them on the news. Every day there are new ones. They are called product recalls. The lawyers here at Theodoros & Rooth want to remind you that it is a good idea to stay informed about the latest recalls. Many of them you never hear about on the news. The more serious ones...
Products that cause injuries are a very common news story. These injuries are a result of flaws in products most people assumed to be safe, such as motor vehicle recalls, defects in airbags, bedroom dressers that fall over onto kids, bacteria found in food products, or a pharmaceutical found to cause additional problems to those...
Are we ready for self-driving cars? Maybe not. A fatal incident in Arizona earlier this year could be a sign that self-driving cars may not be ready for wide-spread use. For now, at least. Earlier this year, a woman in Tempe, Arizona was struck and killed by a Volvo XC90 that was utilizing Uber’s autonomous...