Personal Injury

There’s nothing more refreshing than a light rain to clean the air and make the grass and flowers bloom in the springtime. However, a new study released in April in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society says that even light rain significantly increases the risk of a fatal car crash. It’s common sense that wetter the roads...

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With temperatures dropping below freezing during this time of year, slip and fall injuries are at their highest.  Slip and fall accidents send more people to the emergency room than any other accident, according to the National Safety Council. Slip and fall injuries are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries (including concussions),...

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You’ve no doubt heard about children getting seriously injured or killed because of a dresser falling on them.   The most well-known of these instances involved dressers from Ikea.  The company has recalled millions of dressers within the past few years after several toddlers were killed by Ikea furniture. Just last November, IKEA recalled more of...

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Most people are celebrating that spring is upon us, despite some of the recent weather reports. And opening day for major league baseball will soon follow. It’s also a reminder to us that as you think about your children’s participation in any sport, you want to be sure that the equipment and the fields they...

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Construction work is frequently dangerous. Four out of every 100 construction workers sustained a non-fatal injury in 2011, causing the injured workers to miss a median 14 days of work. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports construction workers have the following lifetime risk of injury over a 45-year career (verbatim): Disabling injury — 75-percent Fatal injury —...

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