2017: The Year in Review

Posted on Feb 8, 2018 by Conrad Saam

Several times each month, we at Theodoros & Rooth like to inform you in this space about items in the news that might affect you and the welfare of your family. It’s one way we feel we can keep you more safe and secure as you go about your daily lives. We will continue to provide this service in this new year of 2018. Meanwhile, here are highlights of some of the reports we presented to you last year. The complete articles can be found here on our blog site. From all of us at Theodoros & Rooth, here’s hoping that your New Year is safe, healthy and full of goodness. Know that if you need our help, we’re always here for you.

January 2017

A year ago, in a December 30 blog, we warned that heart patients may be at risk from a medical device used during surgery.


We printed another report about some Republicans who believe thata malpractice crisis is threatening health care in the United States. Experts say this is not the case and that there has been no such “crisis” in more than 10 years.



A suit in New Mexico was settled regarding alleged implantation of unnecessary pacemakers and other activities that may have caused potential harm to patients.



Last March we provided two reports on what do to protect your rights after a vehicular accident and how an Indiana car accident attorney from Theodoros & Rooth can help you. https://www.trinjurylaw.com/blog/2017/march/how-an-indiana-car-accident-attorney-can-help-yo/

2017 was a tough year for Johnson & Johnson and the on-going lawsuits against the company for alleged dangers inherent in Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder.


Also in March we brought news about some new facts about concussions among kids. One of the surprising facts in this report was that enrolling your child in flag football may not necessarily be safer than tackle football.



This month brought news about one of the most popular cosmetic procedures these days — breast implant surgeries. There are many health concerns to consider before having one.


There was good news in that the chance of getting injured at work is at a 25-year low in Indiana.


For those who have had a medical device implanted – whether a pacemaker or a new hip – there were new warnings about the recall of many of them.



Spring brought news about the season of outdoor cooking and the pleasures of enjoying hot dogs, hamburgers and steaks on the grill with family and friends. We told you ways to keep a great get together from turning tragic.


Near the end of the month we published a report about the alarming and on-going shortage of doctors in our country.



Summer brought safety messages about how driving a boat is not all unlike driving a car. We provided warnings about irresponsible boaters who break the rules and cause danger to others.


In mid-month we learned about continuing concussion related suits against the

Indianapolis-based NCAA. This despite new guidelines for safety against head injuries at the college level.



The Indiana Med Mal Cap was raised in Indiana while Medical Malpractice Caps in Florida were ruled unconstitutional.


At the peak of the summer vacation season we provided tips from the AAA to help an otherwise memorable family automobile excursion from turning in to a catastrophe. Some simple safeguards were strongly advised ahead of the trip.


Summer brings scores of new teen-age drivers. It’s also the deadliest time for them due to inexperience behind the wheel, texting, and general risk-taking. https://www.trinjurylaw.com/blog/2017/july/deadly-time-for-new-teen-drivers/


We provided information here about Indiana Dram Shop laws and how bars and others who over-serve intoxicating beverages could be liable for a resulting tragedy.


Theodoros & Rooth also asked the question, “How really safe is your high school athlete? We revealed a study at the start of the school year that shows some required safety guidelines have not been fully implemented.


Then there was the question about new car safety systems. Do they really work?



The fall of last year produced a rather shocking study about abuse of nursing home residents. According to the Associated Press, more than 1 in 4 cases of possible sexual and physical abuse against nursing home patients apparently went unreported.


There was another concerning report about how too many nurses may not know enough about the potential dangers of childbirth.



Johnson & Johnson’s problems continued with the filing of a new suit that alleges the company knew of asbestos in their talcum powder and did little about it.


There was another shocking report about an Iowa trucking company that was shut down. It was the result of a discovery that one of their vehicles was carrying victims of human trafficking. Some of them died.



This month brought welcome news about a nurse who was falsely arrested for just doing her job. She later received the justice she deserved. https://www.trinjurylaw.com/blog/2017/november/falsely-arrested-nurse-gets-justice-/

We published a two-part report on nursing home neglect. The series was about

the high rate of preventable falls and bed sores among residents of care facilities.



There was another story about an Indianapolis fertility doctor accused of inseminating patients with his own sperm. He was expected to plead guilty.



At year’s end we revealed alarming statistics about the ever-increasing use of smartphones while driving and how this has contributed to even higher rates of traffic accidents and fatalities. https://www.trinjurylaw.com/blog/2017/december/smartphones-can-kill-by-accident-/