Ohio Hospital Freezer Malfunctions, Affects Over 2,000 Embryos

Posted on Mar 26, 2018 by Conrad Saam

Over 2,000 eggs and embryos were impacted by a storage tank malfunction at University Hospitals in Cleveland. The malfunction affected a number of couples who, with the loss of their specimens, now no longer have the ability to conceive a biological child. After receiving news that their embryos are no longer viable, many of the couples affected have filed a class action lawsuit against the hospital.

Below, you’ll read about two of the couples who are currently taking legal action against University Hospitals.

Amber and Elliot Ash

Amber and Elliott Ash lost 2 embryos in the storage tank malfunction. As a cancer patient, this was Elliott’s only chance to provide their son with a genetic sibling, something they hoped to achieve through in-vitro fertilization. Unfortunately, this opportunity was lost when the embryos were sacrificed in the malfunction.

Kate and Jeremy Plants

Similarly, fertility patient Kate Plants and her husband, Jeremy, lost their only chance at starting a family as a result of the storage tank malfunction. Upon being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2015, Kate endured 1 round of fertility treatments and secured 5 viable eggs. After successfully becoming embryos, the eggs were stored at University Hospitals in Cleveland. Unfortunately, with the malfunction of the storage tank came the loss of all 5 of Kate’s embryos, thus robbing her of the ability to ever produce a biological child.

University Hospitals

University Hospitals released a statement confirming that the malfunction impacted some of the eggs and embryos stored; however, they claimed to not know the extent of the damage. In order to evaluate whether or not the eggs and embryos are still viable, the hospital must thaw all 2,000 specimens and evaluate them, a process that could take months to accomplish.

If Your Eggs or Embryos Were Affected, Contact Our North Indiana Medical Malpractice Lawyers

At Theodoros & Rooth, P.C., we believe no family’s future should be compromised due to medical malpractice. That is why our North Indiana attorneys work to fight hospital negligence and get you the compensation you deserve. We can help evaluate your case and discuss your legal options.

Contact our North Indiana medical malpractice attorneys today at Theodoros & Rooth, P.C. for a free case evaluation: (219) 212-2462.