More Evidence on Dangers of E-Cigs

Posted on Sep 26, 2018 by Conrad Saam

Electronic cigarette, commonly known as e-cigs, were invented in a bid to offer a nicotine fix without the side effects of traditional tobacco cigarettes.

However, e-cigs are being shown to post unique risks, including the chance of blowing up in the users face or pocket. Just this past September, an explosion from an e-cig killed a man in St. Petersburg, Florida due to aprojectile wound to the head caused by a section of the e-cig. The exact causes of these explosions sometimes are unclear, but evidence suggests that battery-related issues may be the reason, according to the USDA.

More than one in every 10 adults has tried an e-cig, even just one time, according to the CDC. These devices come in many shapes and sizes. Often the usage is referred to as vaping.

Young People at Risk

What’s more, e-cigarette use pose a significant – and avoidable – health risk to young people in the United States. Besides increasing the possibility of addiction and long-term harm to brain development and respiratory health, e-cigarette use is associated with the use of other tobacco products that can do even more damage to the body. Even breathing e-cigarette aerosol that someone else has exhaled poses potential health risks.

Existing research says e-cigarettes may have toxic chemicals that could cause cancer, whether or not they contain nicotine.

Most states have regulations preventing the sale of e-cigs to minors. In Indiana, the sale/distribution of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited.

Additionally, buying e-cigarettes online could be a lot harder in the near future. Recently, Food and Drug Administrator Scott Gottlieb said the agency is considering banning the online sale of the products, as easy access to vapes has resulted in an “epidemic” of underage use. Also, at risk are flavored e-cigarettes, which could be banned altogether as the FDA fears they’re driving teen use of vapes. As is the case in other potentially dangerous habits, some believe peer pressure is a bigger influence than enticing flavors.

Despite their popularity, these devices are already banned from the University of Georgia, a smoke-free campus. There is little doubt that we will hear more and more news about similar bans in the future.

When it comes to dangerous products, the team of attorneys at Theodoros & Rooth has decades of experience representing people who have been injured through the fault of others.

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Sources include, The Food and Drug Administration, CNBC, The New York Times.